Showing posts from October, 2020Show all
The Irony of Life
Being People Oriented
Public Properties, Our Treasures
The Nature of our Battle and the Weapons
Apostles, the Foundation of Our Faith
Being Subject to One Another
Christians: The Imitators of God
Charity, the Greatest commandment
God's Grace and Gifts
Time for Peace
Living According to One's Calling
Surviving Hard Time
Our Dear Nation, Nigeria
Stewardship of God's Grace
Jesus Christ: Our Peace
Salvation by Faith/Grace and Work
What is God's
Hypocrisy and the Spirit of Truth
Life for the Praise of God's Glory, not Hypocrisy
We are not Different
Being Led by the Spirit
Denial of One's Faith
Freedom of God's Children
The Banquet of the Lord
Faith: Means of Becoming Sons of God
Appreciating the Gift of Faith
Perseverance in Prayer
Rosary in the Journey of our Faith
Evil of Distraction
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Fruits of God's Vineyard
Faithfulness and Constancy
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