Being People Oriented

 Reflection on Today's Readings, Friday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time Year II, October 30th, 2020

Texts: Phil. 1:1-1; Ps. 111:1-6; Luke 14:1-6

Today's gospel reading shows how the Pharisees relaxed the law for their advantage, and denial the same for the wellbeing of people. They could see reasons for saving their sons and oxes on Sabbath day but they could not see reasons for saving the souls of the people on the same day.

Jesus showed the Pharisees that by their actions it means that it is good to do good on Sabbath day. If it is good to save the life of their sons and oxen on Sabbath day, then it is also good to heal the sick on the same day. The Pharisees understood this logic and so they kept quiet.

Jesus Christ prioritizes in his life the salvation of souls and so he could consider saving human life good. Denial of care to human beings on Sabbath day is manifestation of little concern and interest in human life. Jesus loves us and shows so much care for us.

Today's first reading  presents St. Paul to be a man after the heart of Jesus Christ and that is what all Christians should be. St. Paul interceded for his people, he prioritize the welfare of the people in his life. 

In the first reading, we also see mutual support between St. Paul and the Philippians. It is this kind of relationship that Jesus expects from the Church. The people are to support their Shepherds; their supports go a long way to comfort them and reassure them of God's love. The shepherds too are to support the people with prayers and encouragement. The people also experience the love of God through the care and service of their shepherds.

St. Paul's prayer for the people reveals what our life as people of God should be and which we make us worthy of the day of Christ. We are to approve what is excellent, we are to be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, we are to be filled with the fruits of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. We bear the fruits of righteousness when we allow God's words to influence our lives.

Lord our God, grant that we may experience your love through the service of our shepherds and that we may also support them. Amen.

Rev. Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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