Showing posts from April, 2022Show all
Resurrection: Victory Over Human Wickedness
Which children are we?
The Cost of our Faith
Who to Obey?
God’s Love in Jesus Christ
Our New Birth in Chist Jesus
A Reflection on St. Mark
The Visible Presence of the Risen Christ
The Unbelief of the Eleven
He is still One with Us
Just Speak about the Risen Christ
The Encounter with the Risen Christ
Sharing the Faith in Resurrection
Resurrection: Breaaking the Yoke of Unbelief
The Participation in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Meaning of the Night
The Lord’s Passion: Its Value and Remedy for Sin
The Celebration of the Gift of Holy Eucharist, Priesthood, and Call to Fraternal Love
Jesus is Facing his Passion
Why We Can't Follow Now
Participating in the Works of Salvation
Palm Sunday: The Faith of the Thief
Bringing Together the Children of God
The Defence of His Godhead
Keeping God's Word and Victory over Death
Faith is open ended
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