Showing posts from November, 2021Show all
The Banquet of the Lord
Teacher, Where Do You Live?
Advent: The Call to Faith in Christ
Advent: Revealing the Mystery of our Life
Preparation for the Last Day
The End of Worldly Kingdom
The Time of Man: His Reign
Time to Bear Testimony
The Triumph of God's kingdom
The truth of Life
Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe
Sin hunts sinners
Holiness: Response to God's Deeds
The Fight for Faith
The Undaunted Spirit of God's Children
Giving up of Self-righteousness
Conform not to this World
The Last Day
Be Hopeful at all Times
Just a Look Beyond the Visible
Befriending God’s Wisdom
Acknowledge God for all His Benefits
You are God’s Temple
Lead no One to Sin
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