Showing posts from November, 2020Show all
The Messiah's Characters
St. Andrew, Introducing People to Jesus Christ
Faith and the Presence of Our Lord
Advent: The Celebration of Hope
Restoration of the Glorious Day
The Restraint of Our Enemy
God's judgement: The Removal of Evil
The Song of Moses and of the Lamb
The Time of Judgement
The Gift of Worth
Christ, the King of the Universe
Being God's Witnesses
God's Prophet and the Word
He Deserves Adoration
The Throne of God
Witnessing to One's Faith
The Truth of Christian Life
We are not Left Idle
Persistence in Prayer
Living for God's Kingdom
The Presence of God's Kingdom
Response to God's Mercy
Saving the Words
Celebrating the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Awaiting the Lord
Right Attitude to Material Things
Being Wise in Things of Heaven
The Worship of God in Spirit
Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ: What it Takes
Life of Lowliness and Humility: the Way to God's Kingdom
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