Charity: The Way to Perfection

Reflection on Today's Readings, Monday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time Year II, 17th August, 2020
Texts: Ez. 28:1-10; Ps. Deut. 32:27-28,30,37-38; Matt. 19:23-30
Jesus Christ reveals to us today the secret of being perfect; it is charity. Charity is the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake, and our neighbours as ourselves for the love of God (CCC No: 1822). Hence, Jesus Christ told the rich man, "if you want to be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you have treasure in heaven; and come follow me". Following Jesus Christ is making God our lot, thinking and loving like him, that is, having the mind of Christ, and acting like him.
The response of the rich man shows what we must overcome in our journey to perfection: pain of detachment. It is written thus: "When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions". Pain of detachment lasts but for a moment; we have to bear it at the beginning. The pain fades and the delight of charity takes over. The fruits of charity are joy, peace and mercy (CCC No: 1829).
The joy and peace that elude us in our world today come from lack of charity. The first reading shows this truth in the life of the people of Israel. God said to them, "Behold, I will profane my sanctuary, the pride of your power, the delight of your eyes, and the desire of your soul". The creation of God has been marred today because of lack of charity. Today, we experience unusual natural disasters, incurable diseases and negative human activities.
Our world has lapsed into the forgetfulness of charity. Hence, today's psalmist says, "You were unmindful of the Rock that begot you, and you forget the God who gave you birth". One thing must be clear: palliative and philanthropy are not charity; charity is any act done to promote the love of God, not human ego, business agenda or one's political agenda. Charity is done in a way that one who executes the charitable act impresses in the minds of the recipient the love of God. Hence, the executor must speak God to the recipient in words and in deeds. To show that it is done in God, it is good that it is done in the atmosphere of prayer. Charity is done in God and for God. Charity enthrones God, not man.
Just like the young rich man, we all long for perfection, but we often seek it in the wrong way. Today, Jesus tells us that charity is the way to perfection. We are also reminded that it comes with momentary pain of detachment, but that the joy and peace it offers last forever.

Lord our God, you have told us that the way to perfection is charity, may we always be charitable in words and in deeds. Amen.

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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  1. Padre, thank you for your daily reflections. Today's reflection has be a source of concern, at one time or the other a sizable numbers of us has been a victims of celebrating our possession rather than the giver of those wealth.
    It my own prayer that God should look upon us and grant us Him forgiveness, and the Grace to always be conscious of those giver of our possession.
