Heavenly Treasures

Heavenly Treasures
We acquire heavenly treasures by our faith in God.

Reflection on Today’s Readings, Friday of 11th Week in Ordinary Time, Year II, June 21st, 2024
Texts: 2 Kings 11:1-4.9-18.20; Psalm 132:11-14,17-18; Matthew 6:19-23 

Jesus Christ instructs us today to lay up treasure in heaven. The instruction is not about where to lay up our treasure. It is about where should we seek its treasure. You cannot gather gold and silver and seek to lay them up in heaven; they are not heavenly treasures. 

St. Peter speaks of heavenly treasure thus: “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1Pet. 1:4-5). 

We acquire heavenly treasures by our faith in God. They are rewards and blessings we receive in heaven for our faith in God, living a godly life. We lay up treasures in heaven through good deeds inspired by faith in God. Hence, Jesus calls us to have faith in God and live a godly life. 

Heavenly treasures are imperishable, undefiled and unfading

Heavenly treasures are imperishable, undefiled and unfading because there are no moth that can consume them or thieves that can steal them. In the words of our Lord: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Our Lord bids us to seek the treasures that endure. Such treasures are not tangible for moth to destroy or thieves to steal. They are:  

1. Eternal life with God (John 3:16)
2. A crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8)
3. A crown of life (James 1:12)
4. A mansion in heaven (John 14:2-3)
5. Inheritance in the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
6. Glory and honour (Romans 2:7, 10)
7. Eternal joy and peace (John 16:22, 2 Corinthians 2:3)
8. The treasure of God's presence (Psalm 16:11, Revelation 21:3) 

St. AloysiusGonzaga

St. Aloysius, whose memorial is today, lived to lay up treasures in heaven. In his bid to become a missionary he renounced his birth right in favour of his brother. He lived life of severe austerity and penance. When there was breakout of epidemic in 1591 in Rome, he worked in hospital to care for the sick. He caught the plague and died. Today we celebrate him as having acquired heavenly treasures.  


O God, giver of heavenly gifts, who in Saint Aloysius Gonzaga joined penitence to a wonderful innocence of life, grant, through his merits and intercession, that, though we have failed to follow him in innocence, we may imitate him in penitence. Amen 

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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