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The focus during Lent is renewal. |
Reflection on Today’s Readings, Wednesday of 1st Week of Lent, February 21st, 2024
Texts: Jonah 3:1-10; Psalm 51:3-4,12-13,18-19; Luke 11:29-32
Repentance is integral part of Lenten season. It is clear in the words of Jesus to us, today, that the refusal to repent is our problem. This reminds us that the focus during Lent is renewal; it is not about asking God one thing or the other. It is time to prune ourselves and attain spiritual renewal.
Many a time our prayers focus on our needs and problems during Lent. Focusing on our needs and problems makes Lent pass us by without making impact on us. It is high time we had a change of attitude towards Lent, that we may reap its fruits.
What is repentance?
It is repentance that brings about he renewal we expect during Lent. What is repentance? It is change in our ways of life. Hence, the king of Nineveh says, “Yes, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands." The change in ways of life of Nineveh was from evil to good, violence to peace. Change is not only about nothing to something, there is also change in degree or number. There is change from good to better, from one to two.
Picking up new task for God or increase in passion and zeal for God is also a kind of change. The change comes from within, not from without. Hence, during this Lent we need a retreat into ourselves to experience repentance.
How do we embark on this retreat?
How do we embark on this retreat? The retreat is about using the word of God as our mirror. We could also choose a saint as our mirror. We are to see how far we are from the word of God. How far are we faithful to the word of God?
Do we have any saintly virtue. I do not mean something good that we do once or twice. It is something good that we are committed to in and out of season. Perhaps, I am committed to praying for sinners, making reparation for sins, caring for that old woman, visiting the sick, etc.
We are to ask the question: Where have I fallen short of the glory of God? What can I do to rise from my fallen state? Repentance comes when we discover and acknowledge our faults, imperfections, irresponsibility, etc. Repentance requires that we rectify our faults, work on our imperfections and be responsible where we are irresponsible.
Look kindly, Lord, we pray, on the devotion of your people, that those who by self-denial are restrained in body may by the fruit of good works be renewed in mind. Amen
Fr. Andrew Olowomuke