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Jesus Himself is the living Word |
Reflection on Today’s Readings, Mission Sunday, October 22nd, 2023
Texts: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 67; Romans 10:9-18; Luke 24:44-53
Mission Sunday
So many years ago some people brought the gospel of Christ to us. The faith we embraced today was alien to our forefathers. Our forefathers worshipped gods such as ogun, sango, ifa, etc. If we all trace our history we will know what our forefathers served. We supposed to be at shrine now. We should be killing animals, throwing cola nuts or cowry. This brings to mind the words of Joshua: "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Long ago your ancestors—Terah and his sons Abraham and Nahor—lived beyond the Euphrates and served other gods" (24:2).
However, today, we are in a church to worship God. Some people are responsible for this transformation. They are missionaries. Have we ever reflected on their lives? Many of them are not known saints that we celebrate yearly, yet we are fruits of their labour. The author of the letter to the Hebrews says, "Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith" (13:7). If we dare to reflect on their lives, our hearts will burn with love of them, our eyes will open and feet will be on the move.
They died for you, they died for me
These missionaries left their comfort zone to minister to us. They are like Jesus who left heaven, his realm of glory, to minister to us. They left their cold weather for hot weather. They had to face mosquitoes. Malaria did not spare them. They travelled long distance on the sea for your sake, for my sake. Malaria killed some of them, some died on the road. They died for you, they died for me. The more they were aware of the challenge, the more their hearts burnt for our souls, their eyes opened to see the need to come, and their feet on the move.
The presence of the Lord with the missionaries
Holy father, Pope Francis, enlightens us on why their hearts burn, their eyes opened and their feet on the move. He affirms this in this year’s Mission Sunday message. He speaks of the presence of the Lord with them. In his words: “The risen Lord remains close to his missionary disciples and walks beside them, particularly when they feel disoriented, discouraged, fearful of the mystery of iniquity that surrounds them and seeks to overwhelm them.”
The presence of the Lord with them makes the difference. Pope Francis says, “The Lord is greater than all our problems, above all if we encounter them in our mission of proclaiming the gospel to the world.”
The presence of the Lord with them is not empty and dry, the Lord speaks with them. As He journeys with them, He opens the Scripture to them. Pope Francis says, “Jesus Himself is the living Word, who alone can make our hearts burn within us, as He enlightens and transforms them.” He adds, “So let us always be willing to let ourselves be accompanied by the risen Lord as He explains to us the meaning of the scriptures.”
The Lord opens their eyes to Himself at the table
Blessed Sacrament is source of life and strength for missionaries. In the words of Pope Francis: “In order to bear fruit we must remain united to Jesus (cf. Jn. 15:4-9). This union is achieved through daily prayer, particularly in Eucharistic adoration, as we remain in silence in the presence of the Lord, who remains with us in the Blessed Sacrament. By lovingly cultivating this communion with Christ, the missionary disciple can become mystic in action.” In the journey the Lord opens Scripture to the missionaries, He opens their eyes to Himself at the table.
The encounter with the Lord fills the missionaries with zeal and passion. Hence, Pope Francis says, “Therefore, the primary and principal resources of the mission are those who have come to know the risen Christ in the Scripture and in the Eucharist, who carry his fire in their hearts and his light in his gaze. They can bear witness to the life that never dies, even in the most difficult of situations and in the darkest of moments.” An encounter with the risen Lord gives birth to missionary zeal and orientation.
We are all missionaries
Pope Francis reminds us, this year, that we are all missionaries. He says, “For all her members are entrusted with the mission of proclaiming the gospel of Christ in the conviction that he died for all … All of us can contribute to this missionary movement: with our prayers and activities, with material offering and the offering of our sufferings, and with our personal witness.”
The success of those who brought the gospel to us was not all about them. It was also about those who sponsored their trips, their care and activities. Some people sponsored the schools, hospitals, churches and rectories they built. Those people are also missionaries. Today we come to you for contribution to the mission of the whole Church. You have been contributing to mission before now, but this call is a special one. It is a call to cooperate with brethren all over the world to touch life across borders. Our encounter with the risen Lord should prompt our generosity.
O God, whose will it is that all should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, look upon your abundant harvest; send numerous labourers who will proclaim the Gospel to every creature, so that your people, gathered by the word of life and sustained by the power of the Sacraments, may advance in the path of salvation and love. Amen (Collect)
Fr. Andrew Olowomuke