The Need of Discerning Spirit

 Reflection on Today's Readings, Wednesday of 1st Week in Ordinary Time, Year 11, January 12th, 2022
Texts: 1 Samuel 3:1-10.19-20; Psalm 40:2.5.7-10; Mark 1:29-39

Jesus Christ, in today's gospel reading, displays the gift of discernment. He had healed many who were sick and delivered many who were possessed and His fame had gone everywhere. He had become famous and people were looking for him. Jesus Christ did not allow work and busy day deprive Him of time to pray. He left the people to pray. It is said of Him thus: "And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed." Work is important but we should not forget the God who gives life and power  to work. It is he who is alive that works. It is he who has power that works. The dead do not work. The sick do not work. As we work and interact with people, our souls incure bruises and we lose strength. We need to go back to God in prayer to help us heal our bruises. Hence, let not work deprive us of time to pray; let not work take us far away from God.
We also see that Jesus Christ did not allow fame and people's demand make Him lose sight of the purpose of His earthly life. When He was told that the people were looking for Him, He said, "Let us go on to the next towns that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out.” Many a time in the midst of enjoyment, fame, wealth, allurement of this world, we missed the purpose  of life. David, in the midst of allurements of life he missed the purpose of his life: to do justice and protect the people. He slept with Bathsheba and killed her husband (2Sam. 11:2-5,14-16). Fame and allurements of this life made Solomon lose sight of God (1Kings 11:11). Jesus Christ teaches us to always stay with what is the most important.
Samuel, in today's first reading, could not discern the voice of God.  Eli discerned the voice of God for him. This shows that there are some times that we need help to discern the voice of God. In this confused world, we need help to discern the voice of God, we need help to know the right path to follow, we need help to know the truth. Let us get every help available to discern the truth, the purpose of life, what to prioritise at every time.
Today's Readings show the importance of Spirit of discernment. In a world where there are different kinds of voices, opinions, gods etc, we need the spirit of discernment. In a world where there is deception, we need the spirit of discernment. In a confused world like ours, we need the spirit of discernment. Many things call on our attention as we go on in life, it is the spirit of discernment that we help us to choose the right one. One thing that makes man unique and set him above all other animals is freedom, the ability to choose. God gives man freedom to make him play a role in what he becomes. With the spirit of discernment man is able to use his freedom responsibly. The spirit of discernment informs him the right choice to make. With spirit of discernment man is able to set his priority right.

Lord our God, give us the spirit of discernment, that we may know the truth and live for the truth. Amen.

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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