Reflection on Today's Readings, Saturday of 3rd Week of Advent, Year C, December 18th, 2021 Texts: Jeremiah 23:5-8; Ps. 72:1-2.12-13.18-19; Matthew 1:18-24 Yesterday, the first day of the second part of Advent, we were told the human origin of Jesus Christ. Today we are told of His divine origin; He is called, "child of the Holy Spirit", not the child of Joseph. Prophetic words are also quoted thus: "his name shall be called Emmanuel” (which means, God with us)." It is clear in today's gospel reading that Joseph was just an adopted father. The Son of God became an adopted Son of man in royal lineage of David. The point is this: our Saviour is God. It is also said of Him that he is going to save man from sins. It is said in the gospel reading, "he will save his people from their sins." Then, comes true the prophecy in today's first reading: "The Lord is our righteousness." The Lord is truly our righteousness. Man is always vulnerable and unlikely to persist in the path of righteousness. Man may desire to be righteous at all times but they are a lot of negative influences acting upon him. Hence, he falters here and there on the path of righteousness. I don't know if you have discovered this in your own experience but I do. Just try to be just and you will discover this vulnerability. Discovering this vulnerability, I take flight to the mercy of God. Though the failure saddens the heart, the mercy of God always encourages us to rise and begin again. Each time we rise and begin again, we become stronger to journey on. Thanks to the mercy of God that always rescues us. The mercy is won for us by Jesus Christ through His death . We are invited, today, to look up to God for righteousness, not man. Jesus whom we celebrate the memory of His birth in the flesh and await His coming in glory is our righteousness. Only under His kingship can we find true justice and righteousness flourish forever. Jeremiah, in today's first reading, says of Him thus: "he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.’" Let us go to Him for justice and righteousness Today's psalm tells us what it means to say He shall execute justice and righteousness: He shall judge the people in justice and the poor in right judgement; He shall save the needy, the poor, and the helpless; He shall have pity on the weak and the needy. Christ knows the whole truth and so can judge in right judgement. He will also deal with us with compassion; he will not treat us according to our sins. He is aware of our vulnerability and He will always support us with His grace to live above our vulnerability.
Lord Jesus, You are just and righteous, cloth us with the garment of righteousness and may we be just in dealing with others and with our selves. Amen.