What St. Lawrence Teaches Us

 Reflection on Today's Readings, the Feast of St. Lawrence, August 10th, 2021
Texts: 2 Cor. 9:6b- 10; Ps. l12:lb-2.5-9; John 12:24-26
Today is the feast of St. Lawrence. He was a deacon entrusted with Church's treasures at the time of Valerian persecution. During the persecution, believed to take place in year 258, he was asked to submit Church's treasures. On the day he was to submit the treasures, he brought the poor taken care by the Church and presented them as the treasures of the Church. St. Lawrence taught us that the real treasures of the Church are the poor. The poor are the project of God; God takes care of the poor. As children of God we are to participate in this project, taking care of the poor. Let us turn to the poor, those who are in need and help them. In a way, all of us are poor because we are in need of God, so let us help one another.
St. Paul, in today's first reading, reminds us that God always blesses us with enough to have some left over for the poor. He says, "And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work." Today's psalm tells us of the blessings in being generous. It says, "It goes well for the man who deals generously and lends, who conducts his affairs with justice. He will never be moved;
for ever shall the just be remembered. He has no fear of evil news; with a firm heart, he trusts in the Lord. With a steadfast heart he will not fear;
he will see the downfall of his foes. Open-handed, he gives to the poor; his justice stands firm for ever. His might shall be exalted in glory" Generosity is the attribute of one who is God-fearing. When we give to the needy we are only being just to them, giving them what God has given us to give to them. God has made us debtors to one another; let us, therefore, help one another.
St. Lawrence was martyred because of his love for God. In surrendering his life to death, he followed the instructions of the Master,  Jesus,  who says, in today's gospel reading, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." By his death he also followed the footprints of the Master, Jesus, who, in the gospel, says, "If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be also; if any one serves me, the Father will honour him.” St. Lawrence followed  the teaching and life of Jesus and was honoured with eternal life. Let us also follow the teaching and life of Jesus so as to win eternal life.
St. Lawrence paid the supreme price for his faith. He gave himself wholeheartedly to God till the point of death. We can see in him the truth of the word of St. Paul, in today's first reading: "He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." He gave himself wholeheartedly to God. He teaches us to give ourselves wholeheartedly to God. We are to serve God diligently.

O God, giver of that ardour of love for you, by which Saint Lawrence was outstandingly faithful in service and glorious in martyrdom; grant that we may love what he loved and put into practice what he taught. Amen

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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