Reflection on Today's Readings, Saturday of 19th Week in Ordinary, Year 1, and the Memorial of St. Maximilian Kolbe, August 14th, 2021 Texts: Josh. 24: 14-29; Ps. 16:1-2.5.7-8.11; Mtt. 19:13-15 Today we are called to purity of religion. This is a reminder that God is enough for us; we should stop acting as if God is not enough for us. Whenever we serve other gods along with God, we show that God is not enough for us. This means God is limited: He is not powerful enough, He does not love us enough. We should stop betraying our faith by our attitudes; we should stop showing what God is not in our attitudes. Many a time we have made for ourselves another god while we still claim to be with God. When this happens, we live in deception. When we pray, we pray to a different God, the god our attitude proclaims, a god who is limited in power and love. We are to be sincere and true to our faith in words and deeds, so that when we pray, we will pray to the true God. In the words of Joshua, “Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness; put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River, and in Egypt, and serve the Lord." The option we have with God is that we either serve Him or not. Hence, Joshua adds, "And if you be unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." The people of God were to serve God because He was their saviour; He saved them from bondage with mighty hand. God revealed to them how much He loved them by saving them through signs and wonders. They witnessed the mighty power of God. God has also saved us and revealed how much He loves us in Christ. In Christ, we have witnessed the mighty power of God as He conquered death for us on the Cross. Cross is the emblem of sin and triumph of love over it. In Christ we witness a surpassing display of God's power and love; we are delivered from eternal death and granted eternal life. Man has no reason not to serve God; we are surrounded with wonders and signs of God's power and love. Morning by morning God proves His love for us. The creation shows forth His glory and wonders. Our being is itself the wonder of God. Joshua reveals to us that to serve God we need to know what we come against. God is holy and so He does not accommodate unholy acts. He is jealous and so He does not tolerate rival. Joshua shows us that to be on the side of God is to keep His commandments, statues and ordinances; for it is said, "So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day, and made statues and ordinances for them at Shechem". Today's gospel reading reminds us not to be barriers, preventing people from encountering Christ. St. Maximilian Kolbe, a priest, whose memorial is today, devoted himself to winning souls for Christ; we are to be like him. He volunteered to die in place of a soldier, Sergeant Gajowniczek, father of nine children. He died in place of the soldier, that he might take care of his children and wife. Maximilian Kolbe followed the example of Christ. As Christ died for him, he died for his neighbour.
Lord our God, tame our wandering hearts and help us to stay with you and know that you are more than enough for us. Amen.