The Feast Of The Lord

 Reflection on Today's Readings, Friday of 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1, July 30th, 2021
Texts: Lev. 23:1.4-11.15-16.27.34b-37; Ps. 81:3-6ab.10-11ab; Mtt. 13:54-58
The celebration of feasts reminds us of the importance of the memorial of the Lord's deeds. We are to keep the memory of the Lord's deeds because it is by it that faith comes and grow. When we remember the deeds of the Lord faith is strengthened and and hope made firm. The memory of the Lord's deeds helps us to face the challenge of today trusting in God to grant us victory. It also helps us to journey into the future with confidence, trusting in God's faithfulness to His promises and power to actualize what He has said.
The Feasts of the Lord commemorate certain aspects of God's saving actions. The feast of the Lord is not just about keeping the memory of the Lord's saving action but also reenact it and make it present here and now. Being made present here and now, the people are able to experience and become partakers of event that happened in the past. Their faith is enhanced and hope made firm in God. Hence, celebration of feast is very important as it affords people the opportunity to share in the blessing of past event. This calls us to participate consciously and actively in every feast of the Lord.
Today's first reading reminds us that the celebration of feasts is not just about food and drink but also about meditation on the deeds of God and thanksgiving for His salvation. Hence, it is said, _"But you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord seven days; on the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work.”_ We rest from work so as to have time to meditate and understand the mystery celebrated in the feast. Having understood, we are able to internalised it. Having internalised it, we are able to show it forth in actions and words. The other key aspect of the feast is thanksgiving to God and it manifests in the presentation of offering to Him. We give offering to thank God for His salvation; we rest from work to meditate and understand the mystery celebrated in the feast.
Celebration of feasts is a veritable means of proclaiming the wonderful deeds of God from generation to generation. Feast showcases the faith of the people to the public. Feast employs those things that appeal to people's minds to communicate faith to them. Music, drama, dance, beautifully crafted and persuasive words etc are used. Celebration of feast is an effective and powerful way of communicating and handling on faith.
Today's gospel reading presents people who did not appreciate the wonderful deeds of God in Jesus Christ. They were so engrossed in their knowledge of Him; they did not take time out of their usual encounter with Him to meditate and understand the unfolding mystery before them. It is said of them thus: "they were astonished, and said, 'Where did this man get this wisdom and these, mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all this?'” Let us take time out of our anger, prejudice and hatred, that we may see good in others. Let us take time out of our selfishness and greed, that we may see the need to be charitable.

Lord our God, help us to understand the feasts we celebrate in honour of You, that we may appreciate Your wonderful deeds and show them forth in our lives. Amen.

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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