Reflection on Today's Readings, Tuesday of 16th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1, July 20th, 2021 Texts: Ex. 14:21-15:1; Ps. Ex. 15:8-10.12.17; Mtt. 12:46-50 In today's first reading, it is said, _"Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided."_ This word affirms the Church's sacramental signs. Sacramental signs are visible signs that bring about God's action. Moses stretched his hand for manifestation of God's action; he stretched his hand but God parted the sea: _"Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord drove the sea back"_ When we make the sign of the Cross we invoke the saving power of God to be at work in our lives; it is a sign of our submission to the saving power of God. When we make the sign of the Cross let us truly mean it. If we truly mean it, we will see the saving power of God at work in our lives. Making the sign of the Cross in a dread moment brings a kind of confidence and assurance of God's presence. The link between the gesture of Moses and the action of God also confirms our faith in the blessing by priests. A priest blesses by making the sign of the Cross or laying of hand. Gesture of blessing from priests is powerful and efficacious as the gesture of Moses was powerful and efficacious. However, we have to be favorably disposed to receive the blessing. Our disposition manifests by doing the will of God who gives the blessing; for Moses only stretched his hand but God parted the sea. Therefore, let us always do the will of God, so that the blessing of our priests will materialise in our lives. We are also reminded that it only takes a little thing for God to work His wonder in our lives. We only need to step out. What Moses had to do for God to split the red sea was to stretch his hand over the sea. Many of us complain a lot without stepping out to do anything. We are fond of talking without action. Jesus Christ has told us in today's gospel reading that it is by doing the will of His Father that we become His relation. Put differently, we have a tie with Jesus Christ when we do the will of God, His Father. Many of us see the will of God as something impracticable, something that is beyond us. We know it but we do not keep it. Some of us are living in illusion for thinking that we have relationship with Jesus Christ. It is an illusion because we are not doing the will of His Father; we are far from it. Let us step out to do the will of God and we will experience His wonders. Just for stretching of hand by Moses, God worked His wonder; He parted the sea for them to pass. Let us just take a step in doing the will of God today and we will experience His wonders so that our claim of relationship with Him will be genuine and real.
Lord our God, we thank You for using ordinary means to bless us, grant that we may always do Your will. Amen.