Salt Of The Earth And Light Of The World

 Reflection on Today's Readings, Tuesday of 10th Week of Ordinary Time, Year 1, June 8th, 2021
Texts: 2 Cor. 1:18-22; Ps.119: 129-133.135; Mtt.  5:13-16
Today St. Paul tells us that his word corresponds to the character of the God he preached. In his word: "As surely as God is faithful, our word to you has not been Yes and No." In word of the herald, the nature of God unfolds and is made intelligible to the simple. Hence, in today's psalm, it is said, "The unfolding of your word gives light, and understanding to the simple." This means our word and deed should always manifest the God we believe in and speak about. Because God is faithful, our word should not be Yes and No, but be Yes; because God is true, our word should be true; because God is love, our word should be filled with love; because God is merciful, our word should carry mercy with it. We should speak and act kindly, lovingly, truly, mercifully because God is kind, loving, true, merciful. We are to allow the word of God to unfold in our conduct and word.
When the Word of God unfolds in our life, we become light and make the word intelligible; for the unfolding of God's word gives light and understanding. This reveals what it means to fulfil the call of our Lord; He  charges us to be salt of the earth and light of the world. We will truly be salt of the earth and light of the world if we allow the word of God to manifest in our lives. The saltiness that we must not lose is the word of God, it must be part and parcel of our lives.
St. Paul, in the first reading, says, "For all the promises of God find their Yes in him." This means that in Jesus Christ, we enjoy the fulfilment of God's promises. This assures us that our good works, our labour of love, are not in vain, for in Him the fulfilment of God's promises is certain. Let us continue working; in Christ no work is in vain and without no reward.

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank You for the gift of Your word,  help us to live according to the word. Amen

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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