Mary, Mother of the Church

 Reflection on Today's Readings, Mary the Mother of the Church, Monday  24th May, 2021
Texts: Gen. 3:9-15.20; Ps.  87; John 19:25-34
Today is the memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church. The memorial brings to mind the role of  Mary as a Mother. Mary is the mother of the new people of God. We are all members that makes the body of christ. Being members of Christ she is our mother. It is said, "She is 'clearly the mother of the members of Christ' . . . since she has by her charity joined in bringing about the birth of believers in the Church, who are members of its head.' 'Mary, Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church'" (CCC no. 963). As mother she guides us and helps us in our activities. She tells us always: "Do whatever he tells you". She also teaches us.
Mary is the new Eve. In today's first reading Eve became the mother of the living after the fall. The first reading reads: "The man called his wife Eve, because she became the mother of all the living". So we share from her fallen state. The new Eve raised us up from our fallen state through our Lord Jesus Christ, her son.
The gospel reading shows that Mary is given to us in the person of John as a mother. The reading says, "When Jesus saw his mother and the disciples there whom he loved, he said to his mother. 'Woman, behold, your son.' Then he said to the disciple, 'Behold you mother,' And from that hour the disciples took her into his home." The reading also shows that Mary as our mother is the fruit of the passion of Jesus Christ. It was during His passion that He gave us Mary as our mother. Hence, we need to cherish her.
Mary, being the mother of the Church, intercedes for us before God. She also obtain graces. She comes to our aid in time of trouble to rescue us. In time of suffering and persecution, she comes to us and shares our pain with us. She loves us as much as she loved Jesus, her son. She consoles us in time of trouble. Mary loves and care for us everyday.

Lord Jesus Christ, help us to appreciate the gift of your mother to us and to imitate her in her virtues. Amen.

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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