The Gift of Companionship


on Today's Readings, Thursday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1, February 11th, 2021

Texts: Gen. 2:18-25; Ps. 128: 1-5; Mark 7:24-30

It is not good for man to be alone; this is the foundation of friendship, foundation of companionship of marriage. We are made to be with others; we are not complete without others. It is on this note man is called a social being. 

To say that it is not good for man to be alone, it is to say that it is evil for man to be alone. Loneliness is truly evil because it gives the sense of insecurity and abandonment; it exposes man to attack. Loneliness makes man close on himself and closes the road to help, self-disclosure and self-discovery. Man discovers himself through self-disclosure, that is, man discovers himself when he reveals himself. When we reveal ourselves, we grow and develop. Loneliness makes us hide from ourselves and unable to exploit our potential, and thereby hinders growth and development. The provision of companion for man is an attempt to make man disclose himself so as to discover himself; it is a stage in man's growth and development.

Companionship facilitates growth and development. With companionship there is no limit to one's achievement or what one can do. This is evident in the building of tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9). For God to put an end to the project of tower of Babel, He had to severe their companionship. Companionship is a strength given to man by God. It is possible for God to create man without the ability to establish companionship or relationship. We need to thank God for the gift of companionship. Let us make use of the gift for our growth and development; let us make use of it for our salvation. In the letter to the Hebrews, the use of this gift for our salvation is emphasized thus: "let us consider how to stir up one another to love and do good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near" (10:24-25).

It must be noted that the companionship is not with animals but with human, with others. It is said, "The man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for the man there was not found a helper fit for him." The point, here, is that bestiality is a corruption of human nature; it is from the evil One. 

It is also said that God gave the man authority to name every beast of the field and every bird of the air. This authority, naming, is an exercise of dominion over them; by naming them he determined their nature. 

We are also reminded that marriage is instituted by God. This means the meaning of marriage is beyond man. Marriage is to be lived according to the will of God and the teaching of the Church. Man's attempt to subject marriage to his whims and caprices is a struggle against God and it manifests the desire of man to take the place of God in the world. We need to seek the will of God concerning marriage so that the world will not sell its meaning of marriage to us. Marriage is between a woman and a man, not between two persons.

We are also reminded of the state of Innocence of Adam and Eve. It is said, "And the man and his wife were naked, and were not ashamed." The Innocence, here, is the life of purity, thinking no evil but good. Life of Innocence drives away shame. They are not ashamed because they value and appreciate themselves. Shame is the outcome of lack of value and appreciation for oneself. Therefore, let us value and appreciate ourselves.

Today's gospel reading praises faith. It shows that faith manifests in Perseverance. The faith that works is the kind that is able to survive difficulties and challenges of life. The woman in the gospel was able to survive the test of faith by Jesus Christ because she valued and appreciated herself. This shows that faith is strong in us when we value and appreciate ourselves.

Lord our God, we thank You for the gift of companionship; grant that we may make use of it for our growth, development and salvation. Amen.

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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