Living for Others wins Eternal Life

Reflection on Today's Readings and the Feast of St. Lawrence, Monday 10th August, 2020
Texts: 2Cor. 9:6-10; Ps. 112:1-2.5-9; John 12:24-26
St. Lawrence, whose feast is today, was a deacon of Rome under Pope St. Sixtus II. Today's Readings bring to mind the outstanding virtue in the life of St. Lawrence: His great love for the poor. It was reported that he sold the sacred vessels in his charge and gave the money to the windows, the poor, and the sick of the city. When he was asked for the treasure under his care, he presented the widows, the poor and the sick as the true treasure of the church, and as a result he was condemned to death.
The feast of St. Lawrence reminds us once again of the need to pay attention to the poor, the needy. How are we going to assist ourselves at this critical moment  in the history of our world: the strong must bear with the weak, the rich must seek to help the poor. The world is ripe for help this day ; this is evident in our cry for palliative. The needy are now closer than before. We are also more open for help than before.
Today's first reading  does not just say that we should sow but that we should sow cheerfully and in abundance. St. Paul assures us that God will always provide for us in abundance that we may have some left for good works. Today's Psalmist speaks of how blessed we are when we are generous; he says, "It goes well with the man who deals generously and lends". He also sees generosity as the mark of being just, as he says, "Open-handed he gives to the poor, his justice stands for ever".
Jesus Christ spoke of himself, in the gospel, as the grain of wheat that must fall into the earth and die so as to bear much fruits. St. Lawrence is one of the fruits produced by our Lord. As St. Lawrence was animated with the spirit of Christ so also we must be animated with the spirit of Christ. We are not only to live for ourselves, but also for others. When we live for others we live for eternal life. Jesus Christ puts it thus: "He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life".

Lord our God, always help us to live for others so that our world will be a good place to live. Amen.

Fr. Andrew Olowomuke

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